Thursday, September 9, 2010

In Germany!

It sure did take a long time to finally reach Freiburg! After visiting Princeton for the weekend (yay!!), I hopped on the train up to Newark, flew to DC (with only 4 other people), flew to Frankfurt (this is where I should have stopped traveling), and then waiting 8 hours before flying to Basel. Now, had I actually looked at my itinerary and realized that I'd be sitting in the Frankfurt airport that long and that a train to Freiburg from Frankfurt is only 2 hours, I probably would have changed my route. But, no, I didn't look and thus didn't get to this doorstep until 28+ hours after leaving Princeton. Oh, well.

There are so many things I could touch upon in terms of thoughts about Freiburg. But I'll let the pictures do some of the talking because this town is just so darn cute! I will add that I absolutely LOVE German food and I'd definitely want to live here for a prolonged period of time. Beautiful.

Cute little area of the main town center.

Plaza by the Freiburg Munster

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